Saturday, July 25, 2015
10 am-3 pm
Rain or Shine - FREE admission!!
At the Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum on the UW-Fond du Lac Campus, 400 University Drive (enter from Highway 23/Johnson St.).
Prairie Fest provides a day of activities for the whole family. Enjoy prairie tours, arts, demonstrations, and presentations by local experts.
More details coming soon!
Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum website
Prairie Fest
Click here to see Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum videos... |
Welcome to the Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum
At one time, most of Fond du Lac County was covered by prairie -- native grasslands that were home to bison, prairie chickens, bobolinks and other wildlife. At the Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum on the UW-Fond du Lac campus, a group of volunteers has reestablished the native plants that once grew on this site. The project began in 1991, with the goal of representing the original plant communities of Wisconsin in a small arboretum. At present, volunteers have planted 37 acres of native prairie grasses and wildflowers, developed two wildlife ponds and planted 176 native trees and shrubs. Most of the wildflower seeds were collected from some of the last remaining original prairie sites in Fond du Lac County. To educate local residents, there’s an interpretive trail, as well as six benches, two picnic tables and a kiosk for recreation. The Formal Arboretum is an innovative attempt to depict the native plants and plant communities of Wisconsin in a design representing the “Tension Zone” of our state. This is the area of overlap of northern and southern Wisconsin plant communities, which occurs in the Fond du Lac area. It consists of savannah, lowland forests and northern mixed forests, plus their associated wildflowers. The Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum is named for Bradley Gottfried, former dean of UW-Fond du Lac, and a major force behind the project’s initiation and development. Dean Gottfried's vision and persistence have resulted in the restoration of a portion of native prairie for county residents to enjoy.
Support the Arboretum by dedicating a bench to someone special. For $145, we’ll install a handsome new “Leopold” bench at the Arboretum and affix a small plaque with a dedication message of your choice. Benches for Sale (PDF file)
For more information send inquiries to Erika Jensen at
Arboretum website: The Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum
Click here for a larger image of the Gottfried Arboretum at UW-Fond du Lac.