Nest Box
Saturday, March
5, 9 am
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center
On Saturday, March 5th, the 2016 Nest Box Seminar will be
held at Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center.
Activities start at 9 a.m. and will continue through the
afternoon until 3:30 p.m. You can learn more about how to
properly place and maintain nest boxes, which ones are
right for your yard and about the different species of
birds you can attract.
Friends of Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor center will
have bluebird nest box kits for sale for $12. You can
assemble your nest box on site with the help of Friends
volunteers or take your kit home to make. This is a great
activity for kids of all ages.
This year there will be focus on Wood Ducks and Bluebirds,
Wisconsin’s most popular cavity nesters. We will also be
featuring Purple Martins, which are a species of Special
Concern in Wisconsin. Humans now provide nearly all nesting
sites used by this species.
New for 2016 will be a talk on the Great Crested
Flycatcher, which are common, large, woodland flycatchers.
They spend much of their day, high in the leafy canopy of
deciduous woods. Listen for them at forest edges as well as
in city parks, golf courses, and tree-lined neighborhoods.
Once you learn their distinctive call, you can then start
watching for the birds sitting on high, exposed perches or
making fast flights after insect prey.
The schedule is as follows:
9:30 a.m. Bluebirds: Steve Sample, Vice- President of the
Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin will give a
talk on Bluebirds and nest boxes, including the best
practice methods, site selection and box selection.
10:45 a.m. “Purple Matins are Humans Best Friends”: Ike
Kumrow, a charter member of the Wisconsin Purple Martin
association, has been hosting Purple Martins for 68 years.
12:45 p.m. Liz Herzmann, Wildlife Conservation Educator
from the Wisconsin DNR will talk about the Great Crested
Flycatcher. This cavity nester uses both natural cavities
made from woodpecker holes as well as nest boxes.
1:45 p.m. Jeff Bahls, President of the Horicon Marsh Bird
Club and board member of the Wood Duck Society, will talk
on Wood Ducks, including some exciting new research on
nesting biology. Listen to his talk, “Making nest boxes
Pro“duck”tive, including some new duckling jump video and
There will also be displays by the Horicon Marsh Bird Club,
Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area, Bluebird Restoration
Association of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Purple Martin
Association, Wood Duck Society and others who will
volunteers on hand to answer questions about native cavity
birds. Some small food items will be available for
purchase. For more information call the Horicon Marsh
Education and Visitor Center 920-387-7893.
The Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center is located
between Horicon, Wis. and Mayville, Wis. on Hwy. 28.