Horicon Marsh International Education Center
- Horicon Marsh covers 32,000 acres
- The Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area covers 11,000 acres, www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/wildlife/reclands/horicon/
- The Horicon National Wildlife Refuge covers 21,000 acres in the northern marsh section, http://refuges.fws.gov/profiles/index.cfm?id=32520
- A Wetland of International Importance (designation June 29, 1991) www.ramsar.org
- A Globally Important Bird Area www.abcbirds.org/ibal/
- One of 9 units of the Ice Age National Scientific Reserve (IANSR) www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/parks/icag/
- 12,000 years of Native American pre-history recorded at the Marsh
- More than 500,000 annual visitors to the Marsh
- Over 62 scientific delegations have visited from 39 foreign countries
- More than 290 species of birds have been observed at the Marsh
- Over 4 miles of hiking trails available to visitors
- Located within a 3 hour drive of more than 12 million potential visitors
Click here for Marsh Education Center Programs:
Naturalist Programs
Horicon Marsh Lecture Series
Movies at the Marsh