We encourage all who have an
interest in nature and the quality of our environment to
become members of the National Audubon Society, and of our
local chapter, the Fond du Lac County Audubon Society. Part
of your dues comes back to the local chapter and part pays
for your subscription to Audubon magazine, published
You'll also receive the local chapter newsletter, The Heron
(published bimonthly) and all chapter benefits. Details of
meetings, field trips and special events are included, as
well as information on local, state and national
environment issues. Items of interest may be emailed
to mcdesign@charter.net
President -- Amy Sheldon
-- Diana Beck
Secretary --
Judy Hollis
Treasurer -- Mike Sweney
Chair/Newsletter design -- Evelyn McLean-Cowan
Director -- Dave Stetter
Field Trip Directors -- Kathy and Dave Stetter
Membership Chair -- Carol Jewett
Program Chair -- Dave Sehloff
Member-at-Large -- Todd Berens
Web design -- Earl
If you have questions about
the Fond du Lac County Audubon Society, please call Diana
Beck at 920-922-7931
or email dbeck7931@charter.net
Meet Our President –
Dr. Amy Sheldon
Most birders recall a magical moment when they became
hooked on birding. My lifelong love of birds began at age
eight when I connected the ardent “teacher teacher teacher”
call of the ovenbird, to the actual bird, perched on a
mossy log, at my grandparents’ home on La Pointe Island in
Lake Huron.
My passion for birds took a backseat as I pursued a career
in medicine, practicing for the last 22-plus years at St.
Agnes hospital, as a general pathologist. I have always
felt privileged to be able to help manage the care of
patients by arriving at the most accurate diagnosis, which
in turn leads to the best treatment and chance of a cure or
improved health.
With work and family pressures subsiding (after
successfully raising and having fledged three talented boys
now ages 29, 25, and 22), I rekindled my love of birding
and bird conservation. Our yard, a two-acre prairie
restoration, planted by Connie Ranthum, has been a
successful venture at habitat restoration. Our yard bird
list is up to 97 species. We enjoy sharing our interest in
natural landscaping. Our yard was featured on the 2010
Zoopolis Tour and will be on the 2015 Agnesian Garden Walk.
We are also being active stewards to a forest property in
Vilas County.
I have been a life-long member and contributor to the
International Crane Foundation and participate in the
Sandhill Crane Count. We also support and take part in a
variety of bird-related activities and projects including
the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Feeder Project, Wisconsin
Society of Ornithology, National Wildlife Backyard Habitat,
Duluth Hawk Ridge and North Lakeland Discovery Bird Club.
We love to attend bird festivals and field trips; our
favorites have been Cape May Audubon and Galveston
Featherfest. Our vacation destinations nearly always
include a bird tour. Each trip has been an extravaganza of
colorful bird life as well as a time to meet and share our
interest with other birders.
I look forward to serving as the Fond du Lac County Audubon
President and to have an opportunity to give back to a
cause I love – the appreciation and preservation of birds.
As apex species in our environment, birds are sensitive
indicators of Global biostability. Our stewardship of them
is an investment in the future of humankind.
Seeks Board Members
Elections for officers and board
members used to
occur at the spring banquet. The board would like
members to know that it is not our intention to prevent
a change of leadership. The problem in the last
few years, is finding people willing to serve on the
board. If someone would like to take a turn serving
as an officer or board member, please contact Diana
Beck at 922-7931 or dbeck7931@charter.net. Our
present board is willing to continue, but we are still
looking for a newsletter editor and another board
remember Fond du Lac County Audubon
Society in your estate planning, legacy, memorials, or
special donations.